Things to Consider in a Care Home: Part 1

When looking or a home, I’m sure you’ve heard realtors tell you that good location is the first to look for, and they do so for a reason. 

Most seniors consider how close they will be to family when moving into a care home. As people age, the most important family plays a part to keep them company. It is harder for them to maintain a thriving social life with close friends closer to their age having the same mobility issues as they do, so lessening the barriers in having family and friends over would already make it worth moving into a community closer to family and friends. 

Another major consideration is the accessibility of medical facilities from the senior community. Maintaining one's health becomes far more important in the senior years as they become more prone to injuries. Having one’s primary care provider close to their parents gives any family some peace of mind . If one is not feeling great, it is also not advisable to travel in long periods of time so location does matter. On top of that, it is highly likely that one will put off getting their symptoms or health issues checked if they are too far from their health providers. To discourage this behaviour, consider accessibility to their primary health care provider when picking a care home. 


Safety is another big consideration. They’ll be spending a lot of time indoors especially in the winter, so you want to be sure that the facility puts safety on top of its list of priorities. Little things matter such as handle bars on bathrooms, since slipping or falling is a common cause of injury for seniors. Ramps and mechanical lifts may also be on your list if they have problems walking up or down stairs, or any mobility issues. With COVID, hygiene and protocols are more important than ever. Consider if the care home has visiting guidelines, or separate rooms for visitors. When visiting, you can also ask how they handle food or what toiletries are available.

Everyone has hobbies. Having something to be busy with gives a person a sense of purpose, and provides the spiritual and emotional fulfillment one needs. If one is an avid knitter, it may be worth it for them to be closer to a hobby shop for supplies. If one loves music and reading, it will be great to have indoor and outdoor amenities for practicing. At Aberdeen Villa, we’re at the Market Mall area which is accessible to the mall just a block away. Shops such as FreshCo and Fabricland are great for seniors who are looking to find a hobby whether that’s baking or knitting. 


Sleep is a very important activity that is too often overlooked, and having good sleep only comes from quiet neighbourhoods. Therefore, another consideration one must take is the vibe and ambiance of the neighborhood. While proximity to important places like your health provider is important, sometimes it means being close to high traffic areas—such as the downtown are—and that gets loud in the evening. 

Before picking a care home, it’s important to consider the location. It may involve figuring out what your priorities are and weighing them. Aberdeen Villa is at the heart of Market Mall, one of the top neighbourhoods for seniors because of its proximity to essentials and the quiet neighbourhood.

Market Mall

If you would like to get a sense of what it’s like to live at Aberdeen Villa, give us a call at 1-306-948-4144 to arrange a booking. 


Mother’s Day ideas 2021


Happy National Seniors Day